Organizational culture, identity and image. A case study conducted in an argentinian public university
Organizational Culture; Organizational Identity; Organizational Image; Case study; Higher Education.Abstract
The study and understanding of organizational culture assumes a central role for university management, as it becomes a strong conditioning factor during decision-making at all levels. By providing members with a socially shared and unconscious frame of reference that guides them in their way of perceiving, interpreting and reacting to the events that take place in the organization, it also strongly influences the individual, group and organizational rationality that underlie the decision process. But in order to avoid excessively simplifying analyzes, the organizational culture needs to be studied in its interaction with the identity and the organizational image. The main purpose of this research is the construction of a diagnosis of the culture, identity and organizational image of a Faculty belonging to an Argentine Public University. For this, a case study methodology is used, based on the triangulation of quantitative sources (by administering questionnaires to 63 teachers and 9 support staff members) and qualitative (through the conduction of 2 focus groups with teachers and 1 with support staff members).References
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