Indices of transparency and management in public entities as a tool of control and performance: A comparison between municipal indicators em Alagoas – Brazil
Electronic Governance; Indicators of Transparency; Management Control.Abstract
This research seeks to describe and correlate indicators of management and control in municipal governments. For this, a descriptive and quantitative research was carried out, observing indicators of efficiency and transparency of municipalities in Alagoas that presented values in institutions of control and planning at national level, correlating with other indicators of conjuncture of each municipality. For this purpose, references were sought on transparency and public governance, data was collected from official sites and the statistical treatment was performed to identify the correlations between the indicators of the Transparent Brazil Scale, Municipal Management Efficiency, the Fiscal Management Index, of the Gross Domestic Product per capita, of the Participation Fund of the Municipalities, of the Transfer to the municipalities, of the Demographic Density and of the Degree of Urbanization of the municipalities of Alagoas, trying to find variables that can explain the relations between the indicators. Finally, it is concluded that there is a correlation between them, especially between the transparency indicators and the municipalities that receive the greatest contributions of resources; it is observed that the municipalities do not continue with the necessary transparency for the knowledge of the information by society and, consequently, it inhibits the practice of electronic governance and the participation of the citizen in the management of public policies.References
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