Critical evaluation of sustainable development in urban areas of Latin America: Systematic review



Sustainable development, Latin America, National Preservation, Technological Innovation, Extractive Industry.


The objective of this research article is to analyze the level of sustainable development in urban areas of Latin America. To this end, a systematic review was carried out based on the PRISMA method, limiting the search from January 2018 to July 2023, using the Scopus and Scielo databases and the Google Scholar search engine, with the intention of systematizing and analyzing the articles. on sustainable development. In this way, 15 articles from different authors, languages ​​and countries were analyzed. As a result, it was specified that Latin American countries show three different levels of sustainable development: advanced, intermediate and low, the latter being the most predominant in the region with 46.67%, among the articles analyzed. Additionally, it could be seen that the situation constantly changes based on the approach and dimension addressed. As a conclusion to the study, it is pointed out that, although there are advances in areas such as university education and renewable energies, there are different challenges in water management and waste control, technological innovation and sustainability in the extractive industry.

Author Biography

Laura Mendoza Ludeña, Universidad César Vallejo

Appointed teacher in the Communication area of ​​the “Pedro Ruiz Gallo” Public Military Educational Institution of the District of Castilla. Graduated from the National University of Piura with a specialty in Language and Literature in 1997. Master in Education with a mention in Teaching and Educational Management from the César Vallejo University - 2021 – Piura branch. In 2022, he obtained the Second professional specialty in Communication and Language Difficulties from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Currently, he is studying the VI cycle of the doctorate in Public Management and Governance at the César Vallejo University – Piura branch.


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How to Cite

Mendoza Ludeña, L. (2024). Critical evaluation of sustainable development in urban areas of Latin America: Systematic review. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 28(2). Retrieved from



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