Public space in Quito (Ecuador). An innovative instrument to implement territorial development
Public Space; Social Capital; Territorial Cohesion; Ecuador.Abstract
The paper discusses the concept of public space implemented by the Quito Metropolitan District Municipality (MDMQ) 2009-2014 as a source of social capital and territorial cohesion. The findings show the concept is understand more broadly that urbanist tradition. The concept includes a traditional perspective, a dynamic perspective, an environmental perspective and a social perspective. Its introduction in local government was endowed with its own budget programs, ensuring the sustainability of a community policy. Public space is an instrument of sectoral coordination, whose interpretation as a transverse program helps new release to address existing scientific studies. Furthermore, public space is an instrument for ex post project evaluations, to bring the discussion of territorial cohesion to a tangible level of the population and the local administration and to discuss a territorial perspective of social capital.References
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