The management of visible and invisible diversity in organizations



Visible Diversity, Invisible diversity performance, Strategic management of human resources, Diversity management.


The objectives of this article are to review the literature of Sixty-three (63) documents on the management of visible and invisible diversity in organizations, for which a tour of the background is carried out, the concept of diversity; the legitimacy of diversity management, visible and invisible characteristics of diversity, good practices, the challenges for current organizational leaders, organizational performance, a proposal for a visible and invisible diversity model of diversity management is elaborated, they address the challenges of implementing diversity in organizations, suggestions are made to improve the management of diversity in organizations and some conclusions are made.

Author Biography

Manuel Alfonso Garzón Castrillon, Grupo de Investigación FIDEE Fundación para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo Empresarial

Postdoctorate at the University of São Paulo, Brazil; PhD MSc. Professional in Business Administration, Currently Director of the FIDEE Research Group, Email:, Current interests: Dynamic capabilities; Diversity Management, Happiness Management; Knowledge management. ORCID ID 0001-9009-3324.


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How to Cite

Garzón Castrillon, M. A. (2024). The management of visible and invisible diversity in organizations. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 28(2). Retrieved from



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