Factors that limit customer value in touristic facilities, as perceived by managers and specialists
Waste; Organizational Change; Customer Value; Total Quality; Lean.Abstract
Due to the increased change rate and high competitiveness of today’s world market, it is of the utmost importance to identify the non-value activities in every organization. This research analysis on organizational change management covers between 2017 and 2018 in sixteen touristic facilities of the Holguín territory, in Cuba. Its main objectives were to verify whether waste occurs and to analyze the main changes that took place in these entities. The methods used in order to conduct this research were: theoretical methods, such as synthesis and analysis and inductive-deductive; empiric methods, such as surveys and statistic methods, such as factor analysis. The main conclusion of the research was that waste occurs in all of the facilities that were included in the research. This waste can be grouped according to five factors, of which the most significant one is waiting time. The research also shows that the main change-driving initiatives taking place are linked to the implementation of a comprehensive quality control system and to cost reduction, and that the objectives of these initiatives are to increase incomes, to reduce costs and to boost customer satisfaction.References
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