Factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention in college students of Quindio (Colombia)


  • Edwin Tarapuez Quindio's University


Ajzen; Entrepreneurial Intention; Entrepreneurship Intention; Theory of Planned Behavior.


The objective of this research is to determine the main factors influencing the entrepreneurial intention of university students in Quindio (Colombia), based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour proposed by Ajzen (1991); the study is deductive, quantitative and correlational scope. To obtain information a questionnaire was validated and administered to a sample of 297 college students last semester of different careers of the seven universities of the region. The data were analyzed using Logistic Regression Analysis, Sorting Method of Relevance Criteria and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, using statistical software Statgraphics Centurion version 16.1.15, R version 15.0 and Spad version 5.6. It is concluded that the entrepreneurial intention of college students in Quindio is determined by a heterogeneous set of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, namely: the type of college, have a businessman friend, the social norm linked to better be entrepreneur that employee, the positive image of entrepreneurs and some obstacles related to the lack of capital, poor institutional support, many college academic obligations, lack of clarity about which company to create and lack of partners.

Author Biography

Edwin Tarapuez, Quindio's University

Doctor in Economic Sciences (National University of Córdoba, Argentina), Associate Professor at the University of Quindío, member of the Research Group on Management and Entrepreneurship (GIGA). Current interests: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Monetary Theory.


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How to Cite

Tarapuez, E. . (2016). Factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention in college students of Quindio (Colombia). Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 20(2). Retrieved from https://visiondefuturo.fce.unam.edu.ar/index.php/visiondefuturo/article/view/388



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