Pandemic, economics and multilevel policies. The cases of the provinces of Chaco and Corrientes


  • Lucas Ferrero National University of the Northeast
  • Carlos Matías Hisgen National University of the Northeast
  • Diego Ramón Álvarez National University of the Northeast


COVID-19; Economics; Policies; Chaco; Corrientes.


There are difficulties in improving in real time the understanding of the epidemiological phenomenon COVID-19, its interaction with social and economic variables, and with the appropriate public policy responses. The main objective of this work is to contribute to a betterment in the resilience capacities of the regional socioeconomic system, in the present emergency context. To do it, we adapt, integrate and extend the following conceptual and empirical frameworks: a) Socio-economic systems and models (econometric and calibrated); b) Sanitary-epidemiological (SEIR); c) Optimal social, sectoral and health policies, based on adaptations of public sector economic models; d) Criteria, both established and under current development, which identify relevant segmentations and sources of heterogeneity, based on contractual flexibility, “social” category of the activity, socioeconomic segmentation, location and size, among others, that, in turn, contribute to determining variations in costs and social benefits. The results are for practical use, such as forecasting the conditional evolution of epidemiological, social, and activity variables, as well as for determining relevant stress scenarios for the design of contingency policies. The developments correspond to the provinces of Corrientes and Chaco, which, at present, exhibit markedly different epidemiological dynamics.

Author Biographies

Lucas Ferrero, National University of the Northeast

Professor of Monetary Economics and Macroeconomics II at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Doctor in Economics (Bocconi University), Bachelor of Economics (UNNE). Interest in Political Economy and Economic Development.

Carlos Matías Hisgen, National University of the Northeast

Professor of Econometrics, JTP of Statistics II at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of the Northeast. Doctor in Statistics (University of Santiago de Compostela), Bachelor of Economics (UNNE). Interest in Applied Microeconometrics and Economic Development.

Diego Ramón Álvarez, National University of the Northeast

Professor of Mathematics for Economists at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of the Northeast. Doctor in Agricultural Economics (University of Nebraska), Bachelor of Economics (UNNE). Interest in Agrarian Economics and Economic Development.


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How to Cite

Ferrero, L., Hisgen, C. M. ., & Álvarez, D. R. . (2021). Pandemic, economics and multilevel policies. The cases of the provinces of Chaco and Corrientes. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 25(1). Retrieved from

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