Multidimensional deprivation: The origin of poverty and social exclusion. A study for Argentina
Social exclusion; Poverty; Pandemic; Argentina; deprivation.Abstract
The social phenomena of poverty and social exclusion are widely studied by various disciplines. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted both social problems, due to the strong impact that the health situation has had on economies and their populations. Studies before and after the pandemic have shown some confusion in the treatment of the terms of poverty and social exclusion. However, these are not synonymous but refer to different social problems, with different characteristics and consequences for the society that suffers from them. This paper presents a theoretical discussion on poverty and social exclusion and, in turn, due to their shared origin, tries to measure the multidimensional deprivations in Argentina before and after the measure of Preventive and Compulsory Social Isolation established in the framework of the health crisis. To fulfill the objective, an exhaustive conceptual-theoretical review is outlined and the aggregate multidimensional deprivation indicator proposed by Ibáñez Martín (2018) is estimated for the years 2019 and 2021. The preliminary results allow us to argue that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated deprivation situations in Argentina in multiple spheres. In turn, this crisis has deepened the differences between social groups with relations of domination.References
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