Competitiveness of the manufacturing sector Mexico, the United States and Canada
Factory, Productivity, Trending, Mexico, United StatesAbstract
This research seeks to analyze the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector in Mexico compared to the United States and Canada from 2006 to 2022 in the different industries that make it up to identify the advantages, disadvantages and trends. Official databases were consulted to correlate the information through statistics; specialists in the sector (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Mexican Institute of Competitiveness, World Bank, Statistics Canada and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics); reports and studies. The most productive sectors for Mexico compared to the United States and Canada are: food, beverages, tobacco, paper, non-metallic products and transport equipment. The least productive: leather and leather, furniture, textiles and automotive. And the stable ones: wood, metal products, machinery and basic metals. The main advantages: Nearshoring, geographical location, logistics and labor. The disadvantages for Mexico are: high dependence on the United States, disruption, technology transfer and inflation. And trends: wage increases, sustainability, turning suppliers into partners, new technologies (cloud, 5G and AI), redesigning work and work culture.References
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