Indicators of creative territories: An application to Quito Metropolitan District


  • Klaus Gierhake Justus Liebig University
  • Carlos María Fernandez Jardón University of Vigo


Territory; Culture; Creative Environment; Local Politics; Quito.


The paper analyses the European concept of creative cities, generalizing the concept of creative territories, in a new context under three aspects: it deals with creative territories in Latin America, discusses creativity in the context of a metropolitan region and its surrounding areas (ciudad region) and examines creativity in the context of local development politics. More specifically, a creative approach of local development politics in the territory of the Metropolitan District Quito (Ecuador) is proposed. The paper determines the elements of the communal politics that facilitate the manifestations of the creative territories, shown in specific indicators, so to guide the analysis of the ability of territories to implement creative programs. In order to get this aim, this paper analyzes a series of experiments on a practical level, to contrast a series of indicators that link aspects of territory and innovation. In particular, authors study the case of Quito (Ecuador), with the idea of discovering the concepts and progress on managing the complexity of urban development and the need of the community institutional development, focusing on municipal policies on land use, innovation and smart cities. The findings of the study suggest that the experiences of Quito discuss indicators allow for a paradigm newly formulated: a new culture of local politics.

Author Biographies

Klaus Gierhake, Justus Liebig University

Doctor of Geography Marburg University (Germany), 30 years consultant / researcher on issues of territory, institutions and the environment in Latin America. Post-doctoral scholarship from the State of Ecuador (Prometheus) to investigate geographic innovation processes in Quito. Associate researcher "Center for Development and Environment" University of Giessen.

Carlos María Fernandez Jardón , University of Vigo

Professor of Econometrics at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Vigo. Collaborator of the doctorate in Administration at the University of Misiones (Argentina). He was a professor at USC and the University of Navarra in Spain. Doctor in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Navarra. Expert in Knowledge Management from the UCM (Spain).


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How to Cite

Gierhake, K. ., & Fernandez Jardón , C. M. . (2016). Indicators of creative territories: An application to Quito Metropolitan District. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 21(1). Retrieved from



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