Trends and brazility at female beach fashion collection
Beach fashion; Collection; Brazility.Abstract
The objective of this article is to identify the Brazilian marketing attributes presented in the fashion trends of the 2017 collection presented at the two brazilian events, São Paulo Fashion Week (SPFW) and Rio Moda Rio (RMR). This work can be considered an exploratory and descriptive article, especially when it comes to detect trends and changes in behavior. It is possible to conclude that, in part, the attributes of brasility are present in the beach fashion segment. The beach fashion presented in the collection does not contain all the elements of Brazilianness due to market trends. The cultural metaphors are absorbed by the fashion industry, which adapts its products to contemporary women, adapting its portfolio according to the profile of women who are consumers of the moment. It is possible to conclude that the Brazilian attributes are part of the beach fashion segment, however, for the trends of 2017, conclude that the 4 requirements, cited by Sutter (2014), lifestyle, application of craft techniques, shape and volumen, and print attribute, are included at actual trends. Among the attributes of Brazilian studies only the tissue was not found in any of the events studied, the use of ecological and sustainable tissues, apparently, were not used in the collections. This study becomes relevant and original in the way it is conducted, since it recognizes that the trends presented in the fashion collections represent the marketing work and show that several characteristics that are also Brazilian attributes.References
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