Contribution, impact and reflections of the philosophy in administrative management. A documentary reflection
Philosophy; History; Administration; Administrative Management; Administrative Thinking.Abstract
This article considers and it is proposed as a reflection with which it is intended to establish a relationship between the different schools and philosophical thoughts, and their impact on administrative science. Methodologically, it starts from a review over time of the literature related to the different postulates that are presented in the different philosophical schools over time, building a temporary conceptual framework and on which reflections are raised in the light of administrative, strategic and current manager. This historical tour of philosophy is structured from the different philosophical eras divided into four moments: ancient times, up to 430 d. c.; Medieval times, from 430 AD. C. until 1453; modern times, from 1453 to the second industrial revolution (1914) and contemporary times, from 1914 to today. In this way, the document reflects a thread of thought of the different positions and thoughts of representative authors according to the distribution described and immediately afterwards the reflection on the administrative elements that reflect this line of thought. Administration, therefore, has not had an unequivocal definition, but the philosophy and thought of great figures have provided it, throughout history, and the epistemological foundations allow it to contribute to becoming what it is today: a science. reflective, conceptual and practical.References
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