Collaborative liaison tool aimed at small and medium-sized companies in peripheral regions. Validation and adjustment through action- research



Action–research; Liaison tool; Collaborative linkage; Smes; Peripheral regions.


This article focuses on the processes of testing a collaborative linkage tool, which is oriented toward strengthening the performance of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) in peripheral regions. For this purpose, the action research methodology is used. This method allows for verifying the feasibility of applying the developed tool. Simultaneously, its design and improvement could corroborate different moments, stages, and steps of the tool, as well as supporting procedures in different situations. It also analyzes the coexistence of this liaison methodology with pre-existing models and the possibilities of enhancing said models and enriching the change agents involved. Besides, the experiences carried out made it possible to verify the flexibility of the tool and its support procedures. It can be tested also the possibility of application and its relationships with each of the different development agents in peripheral regions. During the action research, some improvements were made to the instruments developed. These adjustments made it possible to reduce the risks inherent in linking actions and to favor synergies to strengthen the business fabric.

Author Biographies

Bárbara Magdalena Villanueva , National University of Salta

Chemical Engineer (National University of Salta, Argentina). Specialist in management of productive organizations. (National University of La Rioja, Argentina). Adjunct professor of Industrial Operations and Quality Management, Head of practical works of Strategic Management. Industrial Engineering subjects. Research Line: University – SME link. ORCID:

Juan Carlos Michalus, National University of Misiones

Doctor in Technical Sciences, Specialty: Industrial Engineering (Central University of Las Villas, Cuba, 2011). He is currently Full Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Misiones (Argentina). It develops research in the areas of local development, management models, decision-making support, system dynamics. ORCID:

Antonio Adrián Arciénaga Morales, National University of Salta

Doctor in Economics and Innovation Management (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, 1998). Professor of Strategic Management at the Faculty of Engineering, National University of Salta (Argentina). Research line in technology and innovation management and Industries 4.0. ORCID:


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How to Cite

Villanueva , B. M. ., Michalus, J. C. ., & Arciénaga Morales, A. A. . (2022). Collaborative liaison tool aimed at small and medium-sized companies in peripheral regions. Validation and adjustment through action- research: . Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 26(2). Retrieved from



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