Social responsibility and health of the environment perceived by users of a certain district municipality



Social responsibility; Environmental health; Quality of life; Use of solid waste; Commitment to the community.


Social responsibility and health of the environment is part of the management policies of governments around the world. The constant degradation of biodiversity increasingly aggravates the health of the population. Under this vision, the objective of the article was to determine the relationship between social responsibility and environmental health perceived by users of a certain District Municipality, as well as the dimensions of quality of life, commitment to the community, waste collection and waste use. It is applied research, with a correlational and transactional design. The study sample was 80 users from the Chilca District Municipality, selected with a non-probabilistic technique, the instrument used was the survey. The results were validated through the Kendall tau b correlation coefficient of τ = 0.657 and a 99% confidence level, and the hypothesis was demonstrated by Z ≥ 2.58 with a bilateral significance of p < 0.01. It is concluded that the relationship between the two variables is moderate; however, adequate strategies must be promoted in the population to achieve awareness and commitment of municipal authorities, so that they comply with environmental health management policies.

Author Biographies

Luis Jhonatan Mucha Sernaqué, Universidad Cesar Vallejo

Master in Public Management, Civil Engineer, Graduate in Computer Science and Mathematics, speaker at international conference, Infrastructure project consultant, teacher in higher education.

Luis Florencio Mucha Hospinal, Universidad Peruana Los Andes

Doctor in Education, Master in Higher Education, Graduate in Mathematics and Physics, Specialist in Statistics Applied to Research, speaker at international conferences, teacher in higher education.

Edith Pilar Quispe Espinoza, Universidad Peruana Los Andes

Doctor in Business Sciences, Master in Accounting, Specialist in Accounting Audit, teacher in Higher Education, Consulting on Accounting and Finance projects.

Graciela Soledad Verástegui Velásquez, Universidad Peruana de Los Andes

Doctor in Government Management, Master in Public Management, director of the Professional School of Administration and Systems, teacher in higher education.

Sonia Luz Barzola Inga, Universidad Peruana de Los Andes

Master in Accounting, Audit Specialist, director of the Professional School of Accounting and Finance, teacher in higher education.


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How to Cite

Mucha Sernaqué, L. J., Mucha Hospinal, L. F., Quispe Espinoza, E. P., Verástegui Velásquez, G. S., & Barzola Inga, S. L. (2023). Social responsibility and health of the environment perceived by users of a certain district municipality. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 28(1). Retrieved from



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