The Impact of Digital Government on the Modernization of The State: Systematic Review
Digital government, State modernization policy, Information technology, citizen services, Citizen participationAbstract
The objective of this article is to analyze the implementation of the Digital Government in Peru within the framework of the State Modernization Policy. For this purpose, a systematic review was used as the main analysis methodology. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were established based on the research question "What is the current level of implementation of the Digital Government in Peru within the framework of the State Modernization Policy?". The results of this systematic review reveal trends in the modernization of the State, highlighting progress in the implementation of digital technologies to increase the efficiency of government and the provision of citizen services. In conclusion, this analysis provides an overview of the state of Digital Government in Peru. Likewise, it allows us to identify areas of opportunity and improvement in the effective modernization of the State through digital technologies, in order to guarantee more efficient management focused on the well-being of citizens.References
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