Management by results in the modernization of municipal public management



Administration, Government, Local, Quality, Systems


The objective of this review article was to analyze the results-based management model to improve the modernization of public management in municipalities, with a descriptive approach, the bibliographic review technique, the explanatory and inductive method, having reviewed studies related to the topic raised. that have scientific rigor and whose publication is recent; They demonstrate that the characteristics of management for results in municipal management, is focused on public action to optimize processes that achieve the maximum effectiveness, efficiency and effectiveness of their actions to achieve the government objectives of improving citizen well-being; and the characteristics of the modernization of municipal public management, is supported by various administrative systems linked to each other, and it is rather the procedural and attitudinal factor of the servers that limit an effective implementation. It is concluded that management by results will allow state public agencies to provide quality services, where the modernization of public management allows better use of administrative systems, which are reflected in the correct use of public resources, where our main indicator is the satisfaction of the population.

Author Biographies

Marco Antonio Lozano Ríos, Universidad César Vallejo

Certified public accountant with more than 10 years of professional experience in the public and private field, with a master's degree in public management. Currently an official of the Provincial Municipality of Moyobamba, advisor to different private companies in the San Martin region and undergraduate teacher at the César Vallejo University Moyobamba branch. Applicant for a doctorate in Public Management and Governance from the César Vallejo University, in addition to having specializations in tax issues as a former official of the National Superintendency of Tax Administration -SUNAT and specializations in public budgeting and planning.

Dr. Jose Manuel Delgado Bardales, Universidad César Vallejo

Obstetrician, Doctor in University Management, Master in Public Health with mention in Health Services Management. Currently Professor of the UNSM attached to the Academic Department of Obstetrics and Nursing of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Former Director of the Research Unit of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Former Director of the Research Office and the Research Management Unit of the UNSM, Research and publications with national and international teams, member of the team of Accreditation of the Professional Career of Obstetrics, Postgraduate Professor at the Universidad César Vallejo in Masters and Doctoral programs. National and international consultant on health issues.


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How to Cite

Lozano Ríos, M. A., & Delgado Bardales, J. M. (2024). Management by results in the modernization of municipal public management. Scientific Journal Visión De Futuro, 29(1). Retrieved from



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